Delivery, but not as we know it

  • : Eileen J. Roden
  • : 21.5.2019
  • : 45 min
  • : Angleščina / English

A session description:

The talk will discuss the challenges of the increasing number of delivery approaches for organisation initiatives.  This goes wider than just basic waterfall and agile methodologies, and includes change management, commissioning and any combination of the above.  Each method has specific certification, terminology and evangelists/best practice ‘experts’.  As a professional project manager, do I need to know them all?  How do I choose what method is most appropriate?  Is it my choice?  What else do I need to be in place?

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Procesni pristop kot učinkovita metoda za reševanje projektnih izzivov

  • Jang Man
  • : 21.5.2019
  • : 15 min [12:15 – 12:30]
  • : Angleščina/English

Opis predavanja

Če želimo boljše upravljanje projektov, moramo bolje upravljati procese.

Kako pristop optimizacije poslovnih procesov pomaga pri reševanju izzivov vodenja projektov Kompleksni tehnološki projekti na zahtevnih konstrukcijah v jedrskem in konvencionalnem energetskem in farmacevtskem sektorju so velik izziv za projektno vodenje, ki mora poskrbeti za usklajeno delo paralelnih timov na 10 in več sočasnih projektih ter obvladovati veliko količino pomembne dokumentacije.

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Izzivi sodobnega projektnega vodenja

Projektno vodenje v praksi Po 10-ih izvedbah konference Projektno vodenje v praksi, je čas za korak naprej v skladu s spremembami v digitalni ekonomiji. Tisti, ki ste redni obiskovalci konference veste, da je ta že sedaj odpirala širše perspektive samih projektnih metodologij, bodisi klasičnih, bodisi agilnih. Projektno vodenje ima danes še večjo pomembnost, ker digitalne … Read more


• 1. dan (20. maj 2019)
• 2. dan (21. maj 2019)
Urnik za 2. dan
8:00 – 8:30 Registracija in zajtrk
8:30 – 8:45 Otvoritev konference: nagovor ob 10. konferenci PVVP
8:45 – 9:35 Marisa Silva: Back to the future: will project management survive?
9:35 – 10:25 Lindsay Scott: Adaptive PMO

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Back to the future: will project management survive?

  • : Marisa Silva
  • : 21.5.2019
  • : 50 min
  • : Angleščina / English

A session description:

To fail to imagine the future is to fail to be part of it. Disruptive business models are being created as you read this, and AI is expected to revolutionise the way we work. What can this mean to project-based organizations and project professionals? Will project management survive?

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Lokacija 2019

Lokacija dogodka: RADISSON BLU PLAZA HOTEL, LJUBLJANA, Bratislavska cesta 8 Datum: 20. in 21. maj 2019 Pričetek 1. dne z registracijo od 8:00 dalje. Pričetzek drugega dne z registracijo za delavnice od 13:00 dalje.

Kotizacije – PVVP 2019

Dve konferenci v paketu z dodatnim popustom!
20.5.2019 dopoldne in 22.5.2019 cel dan poteka še konferenca Napredni poslovni pristopi 2019, z vodilno temo »Tehnike in orodja za izvedbo strategij«.

Udeleženci, ki se bi želeli udeležiti obeh konferenc, so deležni dodatnega popusta. Skupna kotizacija za obe konferenci je 400 EUR + 22% DDV.

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Leading with/in tension

  • : Olaf Lewitz
  • : 21.5.2019
  • : 45 min
  • : Angleščina / English

A session description:

Movement and drive comes from tension. Tensions come from differences. We need more tension if we want to move farther and faster, go where we haven’t gone before.

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The Adaptive PMO

  • : Lindsay Scott
  • : 21.5.2019
  • : 50 min
  • : Angleščina / English

A session description:

In delivery organisation’s today, the PMO is there to support and provide guidance to ensure the successful delivery of portfolios, programmes and projects. As the business changes, adapting and flexing to deliver faster and smarter, so too must the PMO. In this session we take a look at how the PMO is adapting and changing.

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Back to the future: will project management survive?

  • : Marisa Silva
  • : 21.5.2019
  • : 50 min
  • : Angleščina / English

A session description:

To fail to imagine the future is to fail to be part of it. Disruptive business models are being created as you read this, and AI is expected to revolutionise the way we work. What can this mean to project-based organizations and project professionals? Will project management survive?

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