Google oglaševanje je lahko ključni dejavnik za uspeh vašega podjetja, vendar pa je učinkovito upravljanje kampanj lahko zapleteno. Digitalna agencija vam lahko pomaga optimizirati vaše Google oglase, povečati donosnost naložb in doseči boljše rezultate. V tem članku bomo raziskali, kako vam lahko digitalna agencija izboljša Google oglaševanje in vam pomaga doseči vaše poslovne cilje.
Domača bučna juha: popoln recept za jesenske dni
Domača bučna juha je popolna izbira za hladnejše dni, saj nas ogreje in nahrani s svojimi bogatimi okusi. Bučna juha je ne le okusna, temveč tudi zdrava, saj je bogata z vitamini in minerali. V tem članku bomo raziskali, kako pripraviti to čudovito jed, ki bo navdušila vso družino.
Izposoja denarja: Vse, kar morate vedeti, preden si izposodite
Izposoja denarja je pogosta praksa, ki lahko pomaga pri reševanju finančnih težav ali uresničevanju ciljev, vendar zahteva previdnost in premišljen pristop. V tem članku bomo raziskali, kaj morate vedeti, preden se odločite za izposojo denarja, katere možnosti imate na voljo in kako se izogniti pogostim pastem.
Kako najti honorarno delo? Nasveti za uspešno iskanje
Honorarno delo postaja vse bolj priljubljena oblika zaposlitve, ki ponuja večjo fleksibilnost in možnost dodatnega zaslužka. V tem članku bomo raziskali prednosti in slabosti honorarnega dela, kako najti prave priložnosti ter nasvete za uspešen začetek.
Delivery, but not as we know it
- : Eileen J. Roden
- : 21.5.2019
- : 45 min
- : Angleščina / English
A session description:
The talk will discuss the challenges of the increasing number of delivery approaches for organisation initiatives. This goes wider than just basic waterfall and agile methodologies, and includes change management, commissioning and any combination of the above. Each method has specific certification, terminology and evangelists/best practice ‘experts’. As a professional project manager, do I need to know them all? How do I choose what method is most appropriate? Is it my choice? What else do I need to be in place?
From control to order: PM based on the new sciences
- : Olaf Lewitz
- : 21.5.2019
- : 3 h [13:30 – 16:30]
- : Angleščina / English
A session description:
How do we improve PM based on quantum physics, ecology, social sciences and complexity theory. In our relationships, we prefer harmony to tension. We want to work with people we like, people like us. Unfortunately, that leads to mediocrity and boredom.
Thinking outside the triangle: Let’s play with Project Management Bricolage
- : Marisa Silva
- : 20.5.2019
- : 3 h [13:30 – 16:30]
- : Angleščina / English
Adopting a clearly defined methodology to manage a project is not just usual but also rightly considered to be a best practice. However, blindly applying a best practice or a methodology may not always be the best course of action, especially in a VUCA world. With the rise of Agile, organizations have recently ventured into dual or hybrid models. But what to choose with so much offering out there?
Master Agile through an epic adventure !
- : Pardeep Dhanda
- : 20.5.2019
- : 5 h [11:30 – 16:30]
- : Angleščina / English
Pardeep will use his unique teaching style and use of innovative teaching methods to create an impactful learning experience. Attendees will be introduced to an epic story of survival told through a variety of medium including, animation, music and presentations. Allow yourselves to step into the shoes of the lead characters and utilise all of your Agile skills to overcome the challenges that face you.
Master Agile through an epic adventure !
- : Pardeep Dhanda
- : 20.5.2019
- : 5 h [11:30 – 16:30]
- : Angleščina / English
Pardeep will use his unique teaching style and use of innovative teaching methods to create an impactful learning experience. Attendees will be introduced to an epic story of survival told through a variety of medium including, animation, music and presentations. Allow yourselves to step into the shoes of the lead characters and utilise all of your Agile skills to overcome the challenges that face you.
Modern Project Management – The People Techniques
- : Eileen Roden & Lindsay Scott
- : 21.5.2019
- : 3 h [13:30 – 16:30]
- : Angleščina / English
Modern project management has been mainly focused on the different methods and delivery approaches for managing projects and programmes. Waterfall, Lean, SCRUM, Kanban, Agile – the list goes on. Utilising the right approach for the right project is key, yet the biggest success factor for successful projects remains the same – effective leadership and management of people in project environments. In this three-hour workshop, Eileen and Lindsay cover several different frameworks, approaches and techniques that the modern project practitioner can utilise in their day-to-day work that make a different to people and their performance levels.